1 min readJul 26, 2020


As it turned out to be, I started writing, although a bit inconsistently, as of now; it seems to be a place where you can let your emotions aside and give them a quick roller coaster ride before you actually nullify them.

Well it has started helping me realise the sensation of being attached to particular people and situations that represented themselves in a way which I found unacceptable to my ethics and belief system; which seemed to be unnecessary for a healthy way of life.This practice has helped me to pour out false allegations, remorse, guilt, etc. towards myself,thus preventing negative and repercussive mindsets.

People behave differently in different situations, considering the fact that we’re all human beings.Nobody is perfect. But this sheer realisation that something went out of control could naturally trigger the state of forgiveness towards one’s own self. I feel this is what is more important, but missing these days.

If you don’t forgive yourself, how can you expect it to be done to a victim, wherein you are a victim yourself.

So, let go .. Forgive the past and move on…

